Gwyneth Hare School of Dancing

Upcoming exam dates:

No dates currently booked

The correct uniform must be worn for all exams and lessons.

Examination Coaching Lessons

All children preparing for examinations will require coaching lessons. These are held during the week at various times, according to the exam being taken. Often there is only one time available but where possible, a choice will be given. All children benefit enormously from the more individual attention we are able to give them and the smaller groups enable us to help the children achieve higher standard. We are also able to to develop an understanding of examination procedure and requirements in a more detailed way.

Parents are welcome to attend these lessons as it means you gain some insight into what is involved, and enables you to help with essential home practice. If possible siblings should be left at home or in the waiting room as they often become bored, and unwittingly distract myself and the pupils involved in the lesson. In no circumstances should the children's friends be brought along to watch. Children do not perform well in this situation and it is unfair on the pupils and parents sharing the lesson. Coaching lessons are paid for on a weekly basis on the day they are taken, or in a block of 10 in advance, but not in arrears. All pupils are expected to attend all lessons in the course and you are committed to pay for all the lessons even if absent, as the price is calculated prior to the course, according to the number in the group.